In 1906, Jack Stuart Blackton launched a series of stop-motion animation sequences including his debut, Humorous Phases of Funny Faces. Whether Blackton realised it or not, this was the birth of animation as we know it. Since then, animation has grown into a massive industry that serves to entertain, educate, and delight the masses that watch it.
However, it also provides a vital tool for businesses to break down complex ideas and run through how their new products and services work. Explainer videos can be one of the most effective tools for doing this, but they can take many forms. Read on to discover the benefits of some of our favourite types of animation, and how your business can use them to attract new customers and increase conversions.
Also known as CGI, 3D animation adds a layer of depth to any animation sequence, allowing you to make your campaign look as realistic as you want, with natural-looking scenery, characters, environments, textures, lighting and more. Marketers have tremendous flexibility when it comes to 3D animation, and you’ll find it everywhere, from TV and movies to computer games and product design.
3D animation can also be seamlessly blended with live action video, as we did in our advertisements for Smyth’s Toys and Pepsi Max. Using this style of animation can help improve your rate of customer conversions, increase brand recognition, and bring a sense of magic to standard household products. You can also use 3D animation to explore further and develop complex ideas, making them easier for customers to understand.
If you’ve been at the movies, watching TV, or surfing the internet, chances are you’ve come across motion graphics at one point or another. Motion design helps make the mundane more compelling, while helping good content become great.
The fact is, we now consume massive amounts of content regularly, so the more your content stands out, the more likely someone will be willing to stop and pay attention to it. On social media, we often view videos on mute, so eye-catching graphics can enhance your video and provide a great way to tell a story without using subtitles or text.
Some of our best work in this field can be found in the commercial we created for the Renault Megane GT. The ad was a worldwide success, thanks in no small part to how we paired our motion design with the car’s sleek look, enhancing the vehicle’s desirability to customers.
When most people think of animation, chances are their first thought will be of classic cartoons, all of which were initially created by hand-drawing sequences of individual cels to form the 2D animation we know and love today. As the name suggests, it makes use of two-dimensional environments (with figures moving up and down or side to side) and imagery. 2D remains the most widely used form of animation, thanks to its incredible versatility, and its ability to convey messages in a multitude of ways.
2D animation is just as versatile as its three-dimensional counterpart, and can be used to create animated infographics, explainer videos, and even typography. The recent work we created for Rimmel London showcased our 2D animation prowess, in combination with our motion design studio.
Thanks to social media, there is no limit to how brands can use animation, from adding life to mundane product images to creating an instantly recognisable brand image. However you choose to use it, animation will help your business convert more customers and get attention in all the right ways. So when you’re planning your advertising and marketing content, use a format that will grab your audience’s attention and is versatile enough to spread your message. Use animation.
To discuss starting an animation project, get in touch with Frantic today.